Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kollidge Makes Us Smartical

Offspring has used the word "smartical" since she was small -- her flip way of dismissing all those Gifted classes, and downplaying her intelligence. I guess she gets it honestly, as her father and I both do the same sort of thing, albeit in our own ways.

JF was walking past one of the dorms on my campus the other day, and noticed that the painters had been out, smartening things up for the influx of new students. They were painting directional arrows on the asphalt to guide students to appropriate parking. Apparently, those painters do not qualify under the banner of "smartical." Can any of YOU make any sense of this, because I sure can't.....


kathy a. said...

LOL! maybe this was some kind of "welcome" prank?

ccw said...

That looks like one of those charts that teaches you dance steps. Surely that must be a joke because what the hell is that?

KLee said...

Nope -- sadly, it's all true. I despair for the future.


Liz Miller said...

CCW, I was gonna say it looks like a chart for a fun dance!

Jenevieve said...

That... that... I'm speechless.

kathy a. said...

and a right, cha cha, and a back cha cha... i think they forgot the international road signage for the twirl.