I am currently embroiled in an Unbloggable, but I will let slip my guard enough to say that grown ladies who are supposed to be of strong moral character and hardy constitutions are being very childish right now.
As one of my friends commented: "I think it's time we all put on our big girl panties and dealt with this."
I thought I was long past the histrionics and teeth-gnashing of junior high. I'm sorry to hear that I was misinformed.
Working With Wholesomeness
11 hours ago
I'm wearing big girl panties, can I come help?
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I'm wearing my grannies (it's that TOTM), can I wield my cluestick?
I believe you. My neighborhood group used to be full of 60-somethings who behaved like petulant third graders. At one meeting we were discussing how to get more people to show up and participate, and one really cranky woman lashed out at the association president, blaming her for driving people away. The president, who usually ignored the crazy lady's tirades actually argued back - at which time, meek little me (the youngest one there), piped up: "THIS is why people don't want to come to the meetings! Grow up already!" The shock value really got their attention. Neither one of them spoke to me for at least a month, but it was so worth it.
oooh, let liz and ccw loose on 'em!
i really hate it when this happens. hate it in the workplace; hate it in other groups; hate it when it crops up in my family.
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