Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bullets of Random Stuff

I've been scarce around here lately, but there's so much going on.  All I have time for right now is bullets.  So, here you go!

* I still owe you all a post about last weekend's fun meetup with Marni.  It's on deck, as soon as I download the pics from my digital camera.  I haven't even had time to do that yet.

* Got a whole shipment of new crafty stuff in, so most of this weekend is devoted to getting that all put away, and sneaking in a little craft time.  

* Offspring took a school trip to Atlanta yesterday complete with a visit to the zoo and the aquarium.  She had a great time, but it wasn't so great that JF had to roll out of bed at 4am to get her up and ready to be at school at 5:45 for the hellaciously long bus trip.  Needless to say, we all bottomed out fairly early last night.

* I've been sick this week, even staying home from school on Wednesday.  I did nothing at all but sleep all day.  I got up to go to the bathroom twice, but otherwise didn't leave the bed.  You know you're feeling bad when your sinuses are so clogged with goo that it feels like your brain is spasming.  Odd, disconcerting feeling.

* I may have a chance to be up in the Washington, DC area for a school conference at the end of April.  It all depends on how much the trip will cost, and how much the district might kick in towards the fees and plane fares.  If it comes to fruition, I'd love to meet up with anyone in the area who's close enough for a lunch or dinner.  I'll keep you all posted.

* That musical I auditioned for back at the beginning of February?  Still no notification.  I got another email from the director back about 10 days ago, saying there were still a few people trying to audition, but that they would be finished by Feb 25th.  No word since then.  A look at the theater's website shows that he's decided to flip-flop the run dates of this show with the one that was supposed to be the next on the playbill.  Instead, THAT show will premiere first, and rehearsals for the show *I* auditioned for won't begin until the end of March.  

* I'm so tired of Girl Scout cookies.  Yes, they're yummy, but I'm tired of seeing them, tired of selling them, and tired of being responsible for all of the money that it encompasses.  Offspring has another cookie sale out in the public tomorrow, and hopefully that means she's done for the year.  Then, we'll have another year before we have to worry about it again.

Sorry for the silence here.... I hope to get back into the swing of things now that I'm not coughing up my lungs every other minute.  Until next time!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I know, GS cookies here too. Anybody want to buy the last 30 boxes???

Miche said...

Hope you're feeling ship-shape in no time! (We're sick here so we can completely empathize with you!)

Hope you hear good news soon for your audition. Waiting is teh suck.

kathy a. said...

drag about the sickness and the waiting.

and i know you are sick of the GS cookies, but i finally located a brownie troop yesterday and bought 4 boxes! should probably go back and get more. your last 30 boxes will fly out the door.

Anonymous said...

well, i wish i lived in DC.

last weekend, we went to a motorcycle swap meet (don't ask), and near the exit we found a girl scout table. i nearly jumped out of my skin when i saw them, i was so happy! but, they were only down to two cookie varieties left - neither of which i like. i was all sad and stuff. still, i hope for your sake you get to be done soon.

ccw said...

You already know how I feel about GS cookies. I've sold some more today but the troop still has approximately 100 to get rid of before the money is due. I am hoping to offload some at my crazy support meeting.

I hope you hear about the part soon. I can't believe you are still waiting. What is wrong with these people? Obviously they need you.

Liz Miller said...

Me! Me! Me!!!!! Meet up! Meet up!!!!