...I am totally and utterly addicted to craft stuff. Yes, I know that's not exactly a "secret." It's *MY* blog! Get off my case! JF gets so mad with me because I have project stuff spread out all over the house. I quilt, I cross-stitch, I do various other kinds of needlework, I make paper crafts, I scrapbook. The list is pretty much endless.
So, our big MegaCraftsStore just recently had me undergoing heart palpitations. First, I, junkie that I am, have been bemoaning that there has been no recent 40-50% off coupon in the Sunday Edition of the newspaper. This really chaps me, as I usually depend on that coupon to help ease the financial crush of my many craft habits. Then, I see that my store is *closing* (as many places in HLaBW seem to be doing lately....) which makes my heart race even faster. Luckily, the store planned on moving into a bigger space only about 200 yards from the old space. So, I wasn't all that distressed, but the last blow fell this weekend at my Leader's Retreat -- I found out that they had had a minor fire a few nights before the move, and had a GREAT fire damage sale, and I freakin' *missed* it!!!
This may not seem like such a big deal for some of you, and yes, my principles are very screwy, thank you for your unsolicited worry about my mental state. I am a very sad individual.
Well, the long and short of it is that the SuperMegaGinormoCraftEmporium opened this weekend, *and* they had a 50% off coupon in Sunday morning's paper. I walked in there Sunday afternoon (sucking my gut in, though, 'cause it was packed tighter than the proverbial sardine tin) and bought a new scrapbook kit (Disney, of course) and some paper, and all kinds of good stuff. I walked out of there significantly lighter of pocket.
All is right with my world. (Except for the fact that I was tired today because I stayed up way too late last night making scrapbook pages, but that's a whole 'nother issue....)
Working With Wholesomeness
12 hours ago
Laughing. I guess I should feel lucky that my blogging habit is cheap.
OOh, bummer that you missed the sale. I'd be hoppin' mad. I'm glad it worked out for you. My fave craft store in town is closed on Sundays. That has annoyed me on more than 1 occasion :)
Funny story! Sorry you missed the sale. I would love to scrapbook, but haven't decided where or how
to start. Plus, I'm afraid of rapidly becoming an addict and spending lots of money on beautiful paper, etc.
I'm jealous. I haven't had a 40% off coupon from my craft store in months! I'm in total withdrawal.
CCW -- it's like crack. Don't get started if you can avoid it. I had a Girl Scout retreat this weekend, and we did some scrapbooking there, and two seperate leaders in my until had just about every scrapbook gadget and widget between them. I know that they both had easily over $1000 worth of scrapbooking materials. Sure, there are plenty of public service announcements about the evils of drugs, but where are the PSAs about the horrible additcion that is scrapbooking? Nowhere! There's a sad lack of care there....
Beanie -- I will try not to gloat about the fact that I got a $50 scrapbook kit for half off. :) If you see something that you know you want, I'll be happy to see if I can get it for you down here. (With a coupon, even!)
Phantom, blogging may be technically free, but it does hog up our time. While I don't spend any money on it now, I can fully see justifing a high-res scanner and multiple hard drive updates, all in the name of blogging. :)
I know, I have a very sad life.
Actually, I love crafting, too. And I'm hoping to actually try it again one of these days. Keeping my hands busy is a good, good thing.
Hoo boy, I'm with you there. I am totally addicted to craft supplies too. Scrapbooking is the one thing I haven't gotten really into yet, although I do have some scrapbooking supplies and intend to get around to using them one of these days. My downfall is yarns, and crocheting patterns . . . but I also do cross-stitch/needlework, painting and drawing, woodburning, plaster painting, tole painting, doll reborning (talk about expensive supplies!), sewing, and just about any other art or craft you can think of. Even if it's something I haven't tried yet, if the sale is good enough I'll buy the supplies just because it looks like a fun thing to try.
I have about 2 years' worth of supplies I'll probably never use, and I still can't resist buying more.
We need a 12-step program for craft addicts.
Purplekangaroo--no! Then we'd have to stop using and buying craft goodies. What good is that?
KLee, thanks for the offer. Unfortunately even without the coupons, I am very good at spending my money on craft goodies. This does NOT mean I am a scrap addict, by the way, even though I am so proud of myself for not entering a scrapping store in August. But I have a visit planned for next week. When I'm off.
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