Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quite Possibly The Weirdest Thing I've Said All Month

Offspring wanted to go to the toy store the other night, so we planned to head to the local Toys Ain't Cheap to find the item that she wanted.  I warned her that we weren't going to stay all night.

KLee: "We can't stay all night."

Offspring: "Yes, ma'am."

KLee: "We have to get home.  I promised your father that I'd shave his back."

Porpoise Man lives!


Anonymous said...

(Various dolphin/porpoise noises)

That would have been funnier but I couldn't figure out how to spell out porpoise clicking noises.

Anonymous said...

I think that is the most beautiful thing a mother could say to her daughter. Especially if it's in public and loud enough to embarrass her.

Miche said...

The things we do for love!

purple_kangaroo said...