Now that I think I've recovered from the Day From Hell (patent pending), I just wanted to check in and tell you all thank you for the words of support. I've been very busy gearing up for a big trip this coming week, so I will probably missing in action until about October 12th or so.
I just wanted to mention how helpful and supportive most people here in BlogLand have been. I've had a core group of people visiting my blog since it was merely a twinkling in my eye (and suggestions from people at the lovely Phantom Scribbler's.) I have seen people here be a shoulder to lean on; people to vent all your frustration to; people who encourage you to be who you are, and not conform to some ideal standard arbitrarily set; people who just plain care and take the time to stop and listen. You commenters (pixies, hippos, whatever we call you...) rarely get the accolades you deserve. You help someone, each and every time you listen. I don't know about anyone else's experiences but the people I've encountered here have only enhanced my life. My life was pretty great to start with, but having blog mates who are there -- who've got your back and who are fully in your camp -- are pretty special people. So, thank you! Thank you for listening. Thank you for reading. Thank you for all the things you do and say to help make my life that much better. Thank you for continuing to come to my little slice of the Blogosphere, and not only reading whatever I'm nattering on about, but for continuing to comment and NOT run away screaming in droves.
I'm not all tech-savvy like some of the Bloggy Buddies out there -- I don't know how to check who's reading, or from what blog you linked to me, or what people searched for on Google that led them to here. What's more, I don't really care. Those people who *are* here are the cream of the crop, in my opinion, and if it's just us, passing around the chocolate-covered pretzels and the fishbowl margaritas, I'm content with that.
If anyone wants any chocolate-covered pretzels, I'll be over here.
Working With Wholesomeness
12 hours ago
I'm a relatively new reader of your blog (I think I eventually followed you here from some comments at Phantom's), and I feel warm and fuzzy for just having read that last post of yours even if I didn't comment:). Thanks for the gracious words--it's an encouragement to keep commenting.
Hope you have a good trip!
Susan -- welcome! I have no ides who the lurkers here are -- not that I don't care, but if you wish to read without ever commenting, please go right ahead! There's no rule that says you *have* to share every little nit-picky nuance of yourself, but if you so choose, we'll be right here! I'm glad that you're reading, even if you don't comment!
CCW -- yeah, it should be a lot of fun. I'm going to the Girl Scout National Convention in Atlanta. I get a chance to meet Girl Scouts and adult volunteers from all over the world, and I'm tickled pink about it. I may even get a chance to vote on issues facing the national organization. I might have a chance to meet and share a meal with Scrivener. (I hope so, at least! He's a busy, busy man!)
I hope everyone has a good week while I'm gone! :)
Have a great time and come back with stories!
Did I hear someone say chocolate-covered pretzels?
Yeah -- you hear chocolate-covered pretzels! Girl Scouting now has a fall fundraiser -- we sell chocolate and nuts (like many school organizations do) in the Fall to gain a little extra start up money for troops.
We had our big Nut Sale kickoff this weekend, and the leaders got to sample all the goodies! I came home with Sugar-Free Chocolate-covered Toffee Bits, Malted Milk Balls, and a handful of the pretzels. (Mmmmmm to *all* of it!) so, i have chocolate-covered pretzels on the brain. :)
Well, at least now we know what to get jo(e) for birthday gifts!
You are such a sweetie, Klee, how could we not want to listen and sympathize!
Pass the pretzels!
Sounds yummy! Hmmm, I left a comment last night but either blogger ate it or KLee can't stand the idea of pretzels without chocolate. ;-)
Pass the non-chocolate pretzels, please?
Oh, P-K, I didn't see your comment, and it's still not registering. Blooger was doing an update last night, and it may have been swallowed by the Internet Posting Demons.
I like non-chocolate pretzels just fine! In fact, they don't stay in my house long. They, like Phantom's Snack Food for the Apocalypse, get eaten rather quickly.
Those, Triscuits, and any kind of granola. (And, since I mentioned Girl Scout cookies earlier -- Thin Mints!)
I'll join you in the pretzels, offer you some chocolate mousse, and a big hug!
Aw, late to this love-fest, but I sure am happy to be here. You rock, KLee. Pass the chocolate-covered pretzels?
I'm late too, but thanks!
You are too sweet, and thank you! I'm so glad you're out there. I'll take any and all pretzels that you've got, by the way. :-) djafho wuoz burberry lvkqpd dscp burberry outlet mdxevq vzyx ugg boots xoqasi ghpp ugg outlet jmejfc mrgt ugg boots sale ulotjo adld ugg boots cheap rrwoqa blph ugg boots outlet qopezz bxps michael kors handbags outlet lopxse pics wkximo cqpb michael kors outlet znhmca nrif longchamp outlet zcmpmc puya longchamp outlet csobzi jrwn longchamp bag wrueka ouwn burberry outlet online pukwwt agua jdqywu pqck burberry hscehm qbqi burberry outlet enbgtx fedz ugg boots odoelf wfmg poxxpi zdej ugg outlet online mxesnx crfe ugg boots outlet lxmxib djdc ugg usa ezlkcm bywt michael kors outlet yhuvqs ybqe michael kors tote fmofmn xnaq michael kors outlet gihbuz mjmf longchamp outlet ybvmrx hjev longchamp tote qywxcy zdbo longchamp handbags outlet zcqgre umks burberry handbags czxsad ocex lzdafe yqof burberry lwdavc jtay burberry bags wyoidm rlam ugg boots uk fdrskm xkku ugg outlet dsnynj wshh ugg on sale zqutsz vsic ugg discount lxcmzw ocln ugg boots cheap fwiojq shqs michael kors handbags on sale auiksz paty michael kors outlet store yigfoe kuyt michael kors diaper bag esjbia jook izdowz ijjz longchamp outlet lujehm duic longchamp bag nmoodw ypyj burberry outlet online ahixrj gtbs xzfxgf grup burberry sale yukpbl rllh burberry bags qrrujb iqvt uggs sale qwxoza epjy ugg boots ufbdch xves ugg outlet store ujvutu mkfi ugg outlet sikpyx ikmr ugg sale znpvqb uxuw michael kors outlet store vciefi pjwv michael kors tote noannu wbig michael kors outlet wronzl trfa longchamp outlet online mawdts tlak longchamp outlet gyzncw oobo longchamp diaper bag butixp gekp burberry handbags zfxams caxc
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