Thursday, August 24, 2006

The 2,996 Project

On a visit to Marni's place today, I was very moved by the post she had up. She joined the 2,996 Project. This is a blogger push to have every victim of 9/11 remembered on the anniversary. You can go to the website, located here if you are interested in signing up. I can think of nothing better to mark the day than many previously unconnected people celebrating the lives that were so cruelly snuffed out. Thanks to Marni for letting me know that this was out there.

I was given the honor of remembering Louis S. Inghilterra. Please check back on 9/11 to read his tribute.

1 comment:

molly said...

I've also signed up and started doing research. The gentleman they gave me, he's got a great, kind face. Makes me want to cry.